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Search Results
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A search for 'Moonrise Kingdom' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
547 matches in tracks
  1. Moonrise (02:16)
    from Holy Smoke
  2. Moonrise (02:16)
    from Holy Smoke
  3. Moonrise (03:34)
    from X-Files: I Want to Believe, The
  4. Moonrise (03:47)
    from História Da Eternidade, A
  5. Moonrise (00:00)
    from Holy Smoke
  6. Moonrise (03:39)
    from X-Files: I Want to Believe, The
  7. Moonrise (01:41)
    from Life Of Earth, The
  8. Moonrise (01:26)
    from Desert Treasure, The
  9. Moonrise To Campfire (00:32)
    from Wild America
  10. Moonrise Over Jerusalem/ Jack's Despair (01:46)
    from Lion Of Judah, The
  11. Main Title (alternate) (01:45)
    from Film Music Of Jim Manzie, The - Volume 2
    Moonrise (tracks 42 to 51)
  12. Main Title (alternate) (01:45)
    from Krocodylus
    Moonrise (tracks 42 to 51)
  13. Main Title (alternate) (01:45)
    from Eddie Presley
    Moonrise (tracks 42 to 51)
  14. Main Title (alternate) (01:45)
    from Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III
    Moonrise (tracks 42 to 51)
  15. Main Title (alternate) (01:45)
    from Lurking Fear
    Moonrise (tracks 42 to 51)
  16. Main Title (alternate) (01:45)
    from Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings
    Moonrise (tracks 42 to 51)
  17. Main Title (alternate) (01:45)
    from Escape Clause
    Moonrise (tracks 42 to 51)
  18. Main Title (alternate) (01:45)
    from Bowling Balls
    Moonrise (tracks 42 to 51)
  19. Main Title (alternate) (01:45)
    from From A Whisper To A Scream
    Moonrise (tracks 42 to 51)
  20. Main Title (alternate) (01:45)
    from My Grandfather Is A Vampire
    Moonrise (tracks 42 to 51)
Show all 547 matching tracks